Friday, 30 August 2013

Cloud Ushers a New Era of Computing

The traditional mode of internet computing involved client server model with one node as client requesting resources from the delivering node called server. It does sound simple but the fact is it doesn’t optimize the computer resources efficiently.  The problem arises when one needs to multitask and the server can’t support it or the server can be overloaded.  Even adding more servers doesn’t assure the full use of the resources. This is where the newer and much more effective concept of ‘cloud computing’ steps in.
             Cloud computing is a natural evolution of virtualization, service-oriented architectures, autonomic and utility computing.   There is no single server that delivers the emails once the user logs in, it is technically in a cloud (bunch of servers all over data centers infrastructure that respond to the client requests and serves the mail).

                    The most common conclusion of cloud computing is that since there is no central server so there is no chance of the central server failure. In such a scenario once the main server fails the impact is visible on the backup server as well. With cloud computing a retailer has to purchase the software only when he needs it, instead of buying a copy of the software for every single machine in their organization.

              Retailers are always on the lookout for increasing their efficiency and reducing the cost. Retailers always face the problem of dealing with the ever growing applications and overlapping applications. When Retailers enter new market, the complexity increases and the IT expenses go up, but in India that not the case. Retailers can serve a lot by subscribing to cloud computing.  A lot of our expenditure can be cut through using cloud. Retailers manage thousands or in some cases in lakhs of computers in different locations. By subscribing to Cloud services networking of computers can be avoided, there is no requirement for storage units and no need to install firewall and antivirus protections. With Cloud hosting retailers can move from an idea to production within a short span of time, without dealing with long term vendor contracts with little capital invested. 

CtrlS is the country’s first and only certified Tier 4 datacenter and is offering Cloud  computing solutions, private cloud on demand, vps host, colocation services and disaster recovery.