Friday, 6 September 2013

Learn How To Train Your Big Data

Guest Talk in Enterprise Channels by 
Mr. Sridhar Pinnapureddy, Founder & CEO CtrlS Data Center India.

As small and medium enterprises witness the clear business advantage that big data gives to large corporations, their interest in harnessing the power of their own data is growing. SME's have never been known as early adapters of technologies but in 2013, the question that most companies are asking themselves is not 'Do we even have big data?' but 'what can we do with our big data?'

What is big data?

Big data refers to huge volumes of data that are gathered from multiple disparate sources. Data streams can be anything from RFID sensors, twitter or other social media streams, credit card transaction data, user information, GPS coordinates, local weather information and other sources. The data points are heterogeneous and in volumes of many hundreds of thousands or even millions each day.

Data do for your company?

If data is properly gathered, stored, sorted and analyzed, it can yield businesses intelligence and knowledge that translates into real world advantages for organizations analysis data sets on huge scale. many trends and insights cannot be gained without big data.

 An online store for example, may not be able to gauge it's brand value or properly identify it's most valued customers, it's most profitable SKU's or the promotions that are most effective, by anlysing just daily or monthly sales and usage data.

If it were to analyze every single transaction ever made, every single promotional coupon ever used and other data that it had recorded, it would be able to accurately pin point most valued customers, analyze weekly and seasonal sales trends, judge the effectiveness of different promotions and other important data. By analyzing social media feeds and mentions of it's brand name, the organisations could get real time trend analysis of it's brand value. Huge data sets allow much more complex analysis and this makes many unique insights possible; big businesses have been using this business intelligence for many years now, to give them an advantage in the market.

The challanges of big data

Though Big Data can be a very powerful tool if used correctly, it provides many challenges to companies of all sizes. These difficulties are tougher to deal with for SME's, which is why most are these organizations have failed to take advantage of big data till very recently. Collecting data is not a problem these days, there are multitude of sources that generate huge streams of information.  The problem is the storage of this data. How does an organization record every data point and store is securely? If irrelevant data points are to be discarded and only important data points are to be stored, how is the data sorted?

Once the data is collected and stored, the most important task is the correct and speedy analysis of the data and correlation of seemingly disparate data sources to yield insights.

 All of this requires resources that most SME's do not have access to, such as huge amounts of cheap, secure storage, massively powerful parallel processing, large memory capabilities and fast connectivity.

Big data for small businesses: Made possible in the Cloud

This is where cloud computing comes in; the economies of scale of huge data centers from companies like CtrlS make it possible for companies with limited resources to use big data, economically and effectively.

CtrlS offers big data solutions in the cloud that allow SME's to start manipulating their own huge data sets with zero capital investment, low operating costs and the ability to scale up quickly with their business needs.

Source :

Ctrls Tier 4 Datacenter Ltd India
India's leading global data center solution provider, CtrlS Data Center Ltd offers Dedicated server hosting, Linux VPS  hosting, disaster recovery, Managed Services, online backup, online storage, dedicated email solutions, server colocation, and Cloud hosting  services.